Sage smudging is very popular now, so you may have heard of it or you may be a white sage smudging guru!
Either way, sage is great to have around for many reasons... I love sage because it has an amazing, earthy aroma even prior to igniting it. I am instantly attracted to bundles of sage, and I find myself wanting to purchase them, even though I know I already have some waiting for me at home. Can one ever truly have too much sage?! I wonder...
In many ancient cultures, including Native American traditions, herbs were burned in the ritual cleansing of a physical space, objects or individuals. The idea is they by burning certain herbs in a space, the smoke generated attaches itself to the negative energy and as the smoke dissipates, so does the negative energy. This burning of herbs can also be used for individual cleansing, after a particularly energetically depleting day or experience, for example or on crystals or personal objects used in ritual to ensure that they are not holding any negative energy.
White sage, (salvia apiana) is an evergreen shrub that grows across the United States, and is most prevalent in high altitude desert ecosystems.
American Indian’s are well known to have used the healing properties of sage to drive out negative energy and evil spirits. They also use it in ceremonies for blessings and prosperity. For generations, white sage has been used for purifying, cleansing, and protection and many consider the plant to be sacred.
According to tradition, all plants and animals have a spirit. The spirit of white sage is devoted to clearing, protection, and blessings. Tapping into the power of white sage will amplify any healing or clearing that you do on yourself or others.
As the bundle is burning and the smoke spirals, wafts, and begins to fill a space, it is cleansing. As you're burning white sage it’s important to express gratitude for the help of the plants spirit as well as to express your intention for why you're burning sage in the first place.
In this very simply way, the energy of white sage, brings cleansing, protection, and blessings into the space it's burned in.
The smoke attaches to negative energies, and as the smoke then begins to dissipate it transforms those negative energies into universal energy. And so, your intention for cleansing, clearing and protection is fulfilled.
Keep a clear mind, body + spirit!