People will always come and go in our lives. Some of these parting of ways are for obvious reasons, others however may be more vague or even elude us completely.

This may be attributed to "falling out of frequency". When you zoom out and look at the macrocosm of your life, the ultimate goals and outcomes, it will be easier to see how you no longer aligned with various people, places and things - that no longer served the highest version of you.
We can have a perspective on this of a more spiritual nature, and we can also look at it from a practical standpoint of: perhaps you had a certain group of friends when you were on a specific career path. Once that path shifted in a different direction, you were no longer as close with that particular friend group.

It may have made you feel ostracized at the time, and you might even have lingering feelings that they didn't really like you for one reason or another. The likely truth of it is, you were simply just no longer vibrating on the same energetic frequency.
Accepting this will allow you to move on from things more quickly, and to embrace the new directions that life can take. You may not be okay with your current circumstances, and you may also be feeling a sense of resistance.
It is imperative to know, that it is in the letting go of this resistance that you will step into alignment with your desired reality.