Having a strong self concept is the foundation for anything that you may want to create or manifest in this life. With a strong, balanced, and stable foundation, there are truly no limits! Establishing your unshakable self concept leads to true confidence. You trust yourself, you know your value and your worth. You treat yourself with the utmost respect, and you honor your morals, values, and ethics. Your boundaries are secure and upheld. You do not lower your standards or requirements for anyone.
Being confident in your self concept doesn't allow people to access you, and to take advantage of you. Unless people give you proper treatment, they become completely irrelevant to you. This is how you ultimately reclaim your power. Be sure to avoid insecure people. Of course, everyone has a bit of insecurity about various things, however an overall insecure individual will see you as a threat and try to dim your light. Do not allow this. Also, remember that modifying the behavior of others is not your responsibility. Allow them to have their journey, once you have communicated your standards and boundaries to them, if they are still not respecting you - walk away.
Where your attention goes, is where your alignment is. So, you will know exactly what you are aligned with, by seeing what it is that you have been focusing on. You must be the architect of your mind. Living with mindful intention will take you where you need to go. Spending time alone with self will help you to build your self concept foundation. Some people struggle with being alone, and some people absolutely love and prefer it. If you are someone who wrestles with the idea of not having people around, or at least being on the phone with someone, try to look at it this way: How can you know yourself, if you can't be alone?
It is necessary to have long periods of alone-time, because that is when you can dive deeper into what it is that motivates and inspires you. What do you love? What are your favorite things? Where would you like to travel? What would you like to create? You need silence and space to make room for these things to enter your life. When you're alone, it allows you to curate the reality that you desire. You can have the thermostat at a comfortable temperature that suits you, you can walk around nude, you can play the music loud, or binge watch that old show as many times as you want to... You can spend time journaling, learning more about yourself. You can read that book that you've been putting off for months. Going for morning walks, or even developing a full morning or night routine could be a wonderful addition to your lifestyle.

All of the spiritual masters embraced solitude. When you're alone, you're not wearing a mask. There is no one that you need to smile for, to pretend for, to make feel comfortable in your presence, or come up with the right responses. Being alone feels bad to the ego, but it is not. Practice sitting alone daily, and just be with yourself. Learn to enjoy your own presence. Until you've mastered yourself, you cannot master reality.
Use time alone to strengthen self reflection, self programming, and self discovery. Release all self consciousness. There are guided meditations, workshops and journaling prompts to help with this, or you can always schedule a VL Synergy Session. It is time to drop the old identity and shift into the new identity. Activate your feminine/masculine energy. Imagine yourself as a confident person, who never has to conform to others. Look further into Neuroplasticity, and see how it can change your life.
Conforming leads to misaligned people and situations. You may be able to look back over past experiences of your life and see how this could be the case. When you are conforming, you are not being authentic nor true to yourself. It also leads you to not trusting yourself, because it tells you that other people know what's best for you more-so than you do.
Self mastery leads to self trust. Be sure to do daily practices that lead to a more concrete sense of self trust. Self trust is a currency that is exchanged into confidence. Always keep your word and the promises that you make to yourself. You have to be able to know and believe that you will follow through with what you say you are going to do.
Your confidence creates your desired reality. Your reality is affected by your ability to conduct yourself. The stronger your vibrational frequency is, the more confidence you radiate. Amplify Your Vibe!